Droopy's Story
In November 2017, Droopy’s family – who’d gotten him as a puppy – dumped him at the Long Beach shelter because they were moving. Suddenly this family dog was living every day in a kennel. Droopy missed his family and gradually became more depressed. The shelter asked for help, explaining that he was emotionally suffering and that if a home could not be found, Droopy would be euthanized.
By late June 2018, Droopy had stopped lifting his head to greet visitors. In early July Outta the Cage, a shelter animal advocacy non-profit based in Los Angeles, took Droopy out of the shelter for the shelter’s Foster for the 4th program, and immediately saw a sweet, social dog who longed for companionship. They would not be returning him to a shelter. They found a temporary foster who gave Droopy two walks a day and put him on a diet. Droopy lost 12 pounds. Once again, he had pep in his step!
But the foster had to move and couldn’t take Droopy. Outta the Cage took him to a cage-free boarding facility, where Droopy spent time with a trainer and socialized with other dogs. A veterinarian treated Droopy’s ear infection and cleaned his teeth. But Droopy once again missed being in a home with humans. He became less active and began putting on weight again.
His L.A. friends networked him fiercely, posting photos daily on social media. Despite tens of thousands of shares and comments, no one offered to take Droopy
Transporting Droopy
Enter Agave Dogs Rescue and Droopy’s foster, Tracie Skinner and family. After confirming that Droopy was dog-friendly, they coordinated with Rescue Express and set-up his transportation to the Pacific Northwest.
Tracie picked him up from the Rescue Express bus on September 22, 2018. With a little help, he hoisted himself (all 120lbs!) off the bus and breathed in the fresh Pacific NW air. Once in Washington, Droopy got a bath that he patiently stood for and had his choice of two teenage girls bedrooms or a few different dog beds. He decided he likes rotating around.
Tracie and her fiance, Lyle are on ten acres with a Texas rescue dog, Gibbs, and a Golden Retriever, Bella. Droopy went on a diet and got to run around in their fenced acreage. He shared the outside with a donkey, horse and a few cows.
After a few months of fostering, Droopy finally found a forever home. This October he celebrated Halloween with his new family. This good boy finally got his happy ending he deserved!
Rescue Express transports thousands of animals like Droopy every year, each with unique stories. RE transports animals from southern California to the Pacific Northwest where there is a shortage of adoptable animals.

Comments 2
I L <3 VE Rescue Express, though have not been able to support it as much as in the past!! About 5-6 y4ars ago (?) We got 3 Pit Bulls at 3 a.m at the Martin Way Park & ride in Lacey, WA, 2 of whom I fostered until we transported to Northern B.C!! Sydney, Tupac & Graham all came from Riverside, CA where I was able to get 6 year old Sydney off the KILL LIST TWICE! She was the PERFECT AMBASSADOR for the breed & she & I so enjoyed all the attention she got while waiting &, walking & visiting in the Vancouver, B.C Airport for our trip to Smithers, B.C where wonderful friend April Preston found these first dogs of MANY their FUREVER HOMES!! Her family ADORED her until she sadly died of Cancer.. 9 mo old Tupac became Cooper & sadly died of an Aneurysm about 4 years later..Graham became Blue & lives with a Retired RCMP dog trainer!!
It was RE's SECOND RUN & I'll NEVER forget the flood of EMOTIONS when I saw it, nor the rear LEFT CORNER with a HUGE Memorial to Hero, a Rottie, same date as my birthday, January!! (I believe he as the Inspiration if I remember correctly!) I'm so happy for your GROWING FLEET & the wonderful work you do! It had been a dream to one day make a Rescue trip from CA but not sure it will happen!!
I'll NEVER forget the good you do & will donate again, hopefully soon!!
We are so happy we were able to help your efforts to save all these amazing dogs. And thank you for your gift to Rescue Express.